How to install Drupal for your website?

  • Posted on: 24 June 2015
  • By: Staff

Drupal is free, open source content management system. The installation procedure is quite simple unlike other content management system. There are more Drupal developers and it has a strong development factor of 10 years. We will look at the steps to install Drupal for your website and make the content managing easy. Drupal is a web service which makes the communication between protocols very easy. And the modules help to create more interesting stuff than any other content management system.

Drupal is free and you don?t need to pay for licensing of the software. It is available in different versions like 4.X or 7.X etc., Choose the right version of Drupal installation for your website that can be suitable for all the services. Choose the web hosting service which is cheaper and most importantly that supports PHP and MySQL. Drupal installation becomes easy with PHP and MySQL. It is necessary the web service support both PHP and MySQL because if either one of it fails, you may not install the Drupal.

The Drupal website contains the tar.gz extension which has to be downloaded and extracted. The files are to be uploaded to your website hosting site. It is completely necessary that you put the files in the main folder. If you have installed Drupal in the sub folder that you must enter the exact file location.

Complete the Drupal installation by providing the database username and database password. It is necessary to select the MySQL credentials in the installation step. You can now create content for your website or blog after the installation steps are over .After the installation steps are over, you can now customize the Drupal for your needs. You will have to learn how to monetize your Drupal installation. If you aren?t sure of the installation procedure, you can hire Drupal developer to complete the steps quickly.

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