Drupal Managed Hosting - NonProfits (50% off)

Our custom tailored support makes this:
"The world's Best Drupal Hosting"
Non-Profits use Coupon: "d5nonprofit0p"

Let a professional take care of your site.
- It's safer, cheaper and easier! -

Non-Profits receive 50% off all our non-hardware services. Prices listed are
reflective of applying the non-profit coupon at checkout.

Your site has
less than 50
non-Core modules
Your site has
51 - 100
non-Core modules
Your site has
101 - 200
non-Core modules

For sites with less than 50 modules, excluding core*, select a Package

( $ 200 /qtr* )
$ 66.67 /month*
Drupal Pages / Month
less than 150,000
Feeling your Oats
( $ 210 /qtr* )
$ 70.00 /month*
Drupal Pages / Month
150,001 - 300,000
You da man!
( $ 220 /qtr* )
$ 73.33 /month*
Drupal Pages / Month
300,001 - 500,000

For sites with 51 to 100 modules, excluding core*, select a Package

( $ 220 /qtr* )
$ 73.33 /month*
Drupal Pages / Month
less than 150,000
Feeling your Oats
( $ 230 /qtr* )
$ 76.67 /month*
Drupal Pages / Month
150,001 - 300,000
You da man!
( $ 240 /qtr* )
$ 80.00 /month*
Drupal Pages / Month
300,001 - 500,000

For sites with 101 to 200 modules, excluding core*, select a Package

( $ 240 /qtr* )
$ 80.00 /month*
Drupal Pages / Month
less than 150,000
Feeling your Oats
( $ 250 /qtr* )
$ 83.33 /month*
Drupal Pages / Month
150,001 - 300,000
You da man!
( $ 260 /qtr* )
$ 86.67 /month*
Drupal Pages / Month
300,001 - 500,000

* Make your best guess, and we'll correct it after we transfer you. Or, goto: D6 /admin/build/modules D7 /admin/modules , and count all non-core enabled modules. If you have shell access and Drush installed, you may also run: "drush pml | grep -v Core | grep Enabled -c".

* These prices include both hosting and quarterly non-bug fix updates. (Full Details)

* Need more? Something different? Contact Us.

Why should your Non-Profit choose our Managed Hosting?

Money. Our discounted prices are cheaper than your non-profit purchasing a retail VPS.

What is Drupal Managed Hosting?

Drupal Managed Hosting is a professional maintaining and updating your Drupal modules, monitoring and tuning your MySQL database, configuring and maintaining Linux, Apache, and PHP (LAMP stack) software specifically for a Drupal environment, and keeping you from having to talk Geek with a traditional hosting company.

Our Managed Hosting also gives you access to a Drupal professional who can suggest changes to your Drupal website to increase efficiency and page load times to keep your customers happy.

Why Choose Drupal Managed Hosting?

  • You understand your time is limited, and your time is better spent working on your non-profit.
  • We only do Drupal, it is the Geek we speak!
  • You wish that "Easy" button on TV was real!
  • Your customer data is at risk because of constant module updates.

"No Risk" guarantee  -or-  "We only have happy customers."

If you don't like our service, tell us so within 45 days after we've transferred you, and we'll refund 100% of your Drupal Managed Hosting fees. We'll then cover you until you find a new host and SFTP tar balls of your site to them. We also won't force you to use some "broken" cancellation form like some other hosting companies.

Isn't purchasing a private Cloud, Dedicated, or VPS server "better?"

Quite frankly, no. Your non-profit purchasing and managing your own private Dedicated, VPS, or Cloud server may be the worst hosting decision you can make. It's risky, expensive, and consumes your time.

Our plans host you on our servers so that you can take a traffic spike 10 to 50 times larger than what will crash your existing server. No one can guarantee surviving a Slashdot Effect*, unless you're willing to spend thousands per month in hosting. Our servers are tuned for serving just Drupal content, and as such are significantly better at handling high traffic loads than even an equivalently sized privately purchased Virtual Private Server, Cloud Hosting, or Dedicated Server.

We manage the Drupal hosting of multiple clients on a single server to get the economy of scale and load balancing that allows all sites to both handle normal day to day needs and survive floods. By using us to manage your non-profit's Drupal hosting, it's both cheaper for you and creates a better image for your non-profit as you won't lose visitors during high interest periods.

* Slashdotting, flash crowd, Farked, Drudged, or the Reddit effect.


Traditional Host IDA Managed Hosting
Keeps you up to date? No Yes!
Available CPU Cores? 1 ( 2? ) 4+
Available RAM? 1 - 2 GB minimum 20 GB
Who's responsible for MySQL tuning? YOU! US!
Willing to translate Geek into English? No Yes!
Support Understands your Site? No Yes!
Make you learn dozens of Hosting tools? Yes No!
Fix your .htaccess? Maybe Got you covered!
Setup your Cron Jobs? No Got you covered!
Dedicated IP? Extra charge? Included!
Fully redundant DNS cluster? Extra charge? Included!
Building Websites since? ? ? ? 1996!
Building Drupal Websites since? ? (?never?) ? 2005!

Expected installation time.

After we get the account information for your current host/server, it takes 1 to 3 business days to transfer you to one of our servers. We will then let you do as much Quality Assurance (QA) as you desire and after you're happy you can update your registrar to point your domain at our nameservers.

We will hold your hand throughout the entire transfer process to make sure no data is lost.