The Importance of Drupal Independent Module Rankings and Review

  • Posted on: 22 August 2011
  • By: Staff

While serves an important function as an Assistance Community forum, Problem Line, and global code repository, it is not the place to go for ratings and reviews of Drupal modules. Having any entity judge itself is never the right thing to do. focuses on its main factors, community announcements, improving expenses for the organization, offering more services, and providing the repository for all Drupal contributed code (modules).

Drupal's modules should be ranked and evaluated on their own. A devoted component ranking website will always be more versatile and offer more to the community than one packed into either predetermined holes or controlled by the owner.

One of these sites,, provides many of these essential external benefits. For example, customers can gain from the newest, cutting-edge technological innovation.'s Module Locater function discovers segments as you type. It upgrades at a rate of 10 times a second. It also features search phrases and develops ranking charts immediately. The structure was not developed with these capabilities in mind.

The precedent was set when Drupal closed down its similar functionality. That pattern continues and has a balanced and enthusiastic group of customers and coders for what it does do. Sharing information, no matter where it is done, helps everyone in the long run.

Hence, is not the only website for Drupal material, nor should it be. The beauty of the Internet is that everything is just a simply click away. These review and ranking materials customers are after is available at There is no marketing. There are no account charges on It will stay free and available to everyone.

FootNote (1/3/2013):

Unfortunately seems to have died and been abandoned after being acquired by iO1 in early 2012. Some of the functions are available at: . The ugly side of the Internet is that useful sites and ideas don't always survive.

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