What CMS should I chose for my Business?

  • Posted on: 22 February 2015
  • By: Staff

Has your business used a Content Management System (CMS) like Wordpress or Joomla? Have you wondered if there is a way to improve? Luckily, a standout in the CMS field exists, one of the most adaptable and utilitarian CMSs, it is Drupal! It has a capable blend of existing business functions and broad expandability.

Drupal is an open source CMS that gives its clients a huge level of adaptability. It allows the client to alter, share, and convey various content, features, information, and business administrations. Drupal is much more than a CMS. It is Software as a Service (SaaS) arrangement that is ideal for both small businesses and versatile for any substantial endeavor. It was even evaluated as an InfoWorld 2011 Top Pick.

No full featured framework is flawless. Some do work better than others and Drupal stays on the ball. It successfully enables a huge number of donors to upgrade and build enhancements for it. Resulting in Drupal being upgraded consistently. Drupal is driven by individuals who think about how it works and not how it is promoted.

Drupal Is Free

Many other CMS frameworks charge high month to month or yearly expenses. Those expenses can be restrictive and are not always completely revealed. In some cases membership expenses can change from a couple hundred dollars a year to high monthly fees for functionality that is routinly free elsewhere. Drupal is completely free and doesn't have any shrouded expenses. Over the three to six year life cycle of a commonplace site the savings are impressive.

Drupal Has High Profile Clients

Some of Drupal's most well known users include:

  • The White House
  • The Onion
  • Wake Forest University
  • Energy.gov
  • FedEx

Drupal Has Extensive API Support

When choosing a CMS, it is helpful to have many 3rd party applications that are already available. Knowledgeable organizations run their associations with the help of the application program interface (API) that allows programs to communicate with each another. Drupal has a broad roster of companies it already ties into, including:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Google Analytics
  • AdSense
  • Salesforce
  • Google Apps API
  • Sugar CRM
  • Constant Contact
  • Ubercart
  • Mailchimp
  • Authorize.net
  • 2Checkout
  • PayPal

There are a huge number of existing modules on Drupal.org and the Drupal API gives you the ability to expand Drupal to interface with most any 3rd party software.

Drupal Web Design Flexibility

Many CMSs offer limited ability to change their structures or easily add custom coding. Drupal is prepared from the beginning to showcase your brand in an intelligent, exceedingly useable environment. You can build your Drupal web configuration to match your business needs without the confinements of past CMS systems.

Drupal Is Search Engine Friendly

Once your site is live, how easily search engines understand your site (SEO) has vital influence of your business' internet advertising method(s). Drupal is inherently SEO friendly. Truth be told, it has a Ph.D. in SEO. It shows content in a manner web crawlers just have to share.

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Due to Drupal's huge adaptability, and extensive pre-built functionality, it is the superior choice in the Content Management System field. Visit https://www.drupal.org/ to get your copy today.

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