[IDA] Apache major version upgrade (srv03), (srv04)

  • Posted on: 30 December 2018
  • By: Michael

Hi All,

Two things

> 1)

Servers srv03 and srv04 have had routine maintenance of a major upgrade to their Apache web server software.

All primary domains have passed IDA’s QC. But, as with any software upgrade, please do you client QC(s) to verify any unique functionality you might have.

> 2)

At this time IDA is also taking request to move sites to either of these servers. If you want to move your site(s) closer to your users’ localities, these servers are located at:

srv03: USA, Texas, Dallas
srv04: UK, England, Berkshire (Maidenhead)

# # #

That’s it! Everyone please have a great rest of the holiday season and a very Happy New Year!

Best Regards,


Internet Design Alliance, owner
Hours (US CST): Mon - Thur, 8am – 6pm | Fri, 8am - Noon
Emergency calls: 24x7

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